Women 45+ make 50.3% of all purchases. In 2019 Bauer Media did some research with this high-spending demographic and their response was, “We have been ignored by brands for so long we no longer give a shit what you have to say.”

Since then we’ve been campaigning for better communication to women 45+, but honestly, apart from some white haired supermodels and an overload of menopause campaigns, nothing much has changed. Why? Because we’re being observed when we should be creating our own damn narrative.


Or that’s what you’ve been told. The truth is women who built successful careers in the last century are some of the world’s most brilliant and resilient creatives. Visible Creators has spent years bringing together these incredible talents from all across the globe and we’re not just highly experienced advertising award winners, we’re Emmy winners, BAFTA nominees, Grand Prix getters Lifetime Achievement and Women of the Future award recipients.

Many of us started our careers in the golden age of advertising learning from legends. We have been selling to the biggest spenders since they were girls and we know them well, they are us after all. But sometimes we despair at the ridiculous complexity and gazillion roadblocks that stand in the way of great work these days.

Don’t get us wrong, there was a lot we hated about the business, creative process and all the isms back in the day, if we hadn’t found cunning, constructive and profitable ways around those obstacles we wouldn’t be here now. But here we all are, despairing that some really important things in our business have been lost.

So we’re building our perfect creative studio from the ground up and we’re looking for the clients who are brave enough to really wow their biggest audience. There’s billions to be made.


We work a little differently from other creative agencies. The biggest difference is we don’t present loads of half-formed ideas. We work hand in hand with you to build a solid creative strategy and clear creative brief. Then we let our creative geniuses loose. They will come up with a million ideas. But one will resonate more strongly than the others. We explore that concept and present an execution that is fully formed, fits the brief and will win over your audience. The concept will be clever, brave, memorable and different.

Sometimes it will be too clever, brave or different and on very rare occasions it could simply be wrong, don’t worry, we’ll revise the brief and start again with a blank sheet, we never take constructive criticism personally we’ve spent our careers avoiding massive egos not developing them. However, whilst we agree with the notion that everyone is creative, not everyone can throw a pot. We have spent decades honing our craft, we know what works and more importantly we know what doesn’t. We’re not being difficult or arrogant if we reject any of your notes - our experience comes from making hundreds of mistakes - ones we don’t want you to repeat.


When we were Uninvisibility we consulted with many agencies and clients on how to reach this important demographic. But consulting at the strategy stage is frustratingly inefficient for changing the narrative and quality the of creative work aimed at midlife women. So instead of having the same conversations over and over again we created ‘Invaluable. 9 archetypes of the modern midlife woman.’ a guide to who we are, what we think and how to sell to us.


Cindy Gallop is a much valued mentor and team member, when we asked her advice about launching Visible Creators she said, “Make it as easy as possible for a clients to make great work.” Well, what could be easier than simply approving a campaign developed by brilliant commercial storytellers whose lived experience and cultural insights create magic that could never come from a brief?

We’re adapting the film industry model of packaging fully-fledged concepts and presenting to clients and brands that would profit from the work. 


We are exceptionally proud of the work we have done to change the narrative around women 45 and above. We will always consult and create with brands and agencies that champion us. However, we never set out to start a fan club; we know exactly how amazing and powerful midlife women are.
Now the world knows it too, it’s time to change the world.
In times when almost everything in life is changing we need creative leaders who have mastered living. Technology is evolving at the speed of light, requiring the expertise of women who have adapted with every revolution and understand its impact on society. In a post-truth world, we need wise women whose ethics, empathy, and firm grip on reality will guide us through.
Our team of elite creatives and strategists are now working with major brands, leaders in tech, political organisations and future-builders to create a positive narrative of the future for the most important demographic of all - all of us!